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ThingsIX launches in production

· 2 min read

Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 22th December 2022. The ThingsIX Foundation is happy to announce that ThingsIX is now officially in production, with the go-live of the data-only main-net. ThingsIX is a neutral crowd sourced LoRaWAN® network where anybody can add existing LoRa® gateways to extend the coverage. By connecting LoRa gateways to ThingsIX, gateways will route LoRaWAN traffic for all connected LoRaWAN networks.

Existing LoRaWAN network operators can extend and improve their network coverage by using ThingsIX. As a result ThingsIX reduces the needs for investments. New LoRaWAN device-operators can start using the LoRaWAN network by using the coverage already available on the ThingsIX network. The only thing that’s needed is a NetID assigned by the LoRa Alliance®.

To evaluate ThingsIX, the ThingsIX Foundation offers a console where parties can register 2 LoRaWAN devices for evaluation. Anybody can add their gateways to ThingsIX today. Instructions are even offered how to do so in parallel with any existing LoRa network.

We want to thank every community member that helped us get where we are today. Especially we want to thank Orne Brocaar, the developer of the Chirpstack, who’s open-source contributions we thankfully used to build the open-source components of ThingsIX on.

Head over to to get more information how to evaluate or join ThingsIX. For questions how to use ThingsIX as a network operator, please contact the ThingsIX Foundation at

The next step on our roadmap is launching the mapping-infrastructure and starting to reward gateway-operators for the coverage they provide.

The LoRa® Mark is a trademark of Semtech Corporation or its subsidiaries.
LoRa Alliance® and LoRaWAN® are marks used under license from the LoRa Alliance®.